
"shards of glass are one thing - but a marble, there's something to feed your dragons on."


In the Cards

Ashley fumed over her cards – unabashed like any beginner – while Adam, the teacher, reclined behind his perfectly-fanned hand, nodding and don’t-you-hate-that-ing presciently. The final trick played – to Adam and Ashley’s detriment – and the hand fell to the other pair who smiled at the score in spite of themselves. But Adam took it laughingly in his all-knowing stride. “Man,” he condescended happily, “I’ve never seen that before, a team losing all the points in one hand! I just hate it…” but he couldn’t finish. His face was suddenly turned, for the first time all evening to an un-prophetic, very human face – because Ashley stood up quietly, switched seats with Kevin and joined the winning team.
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